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Electric Vehicle Charging Enrolment

Electric car



UCA Workplace charging is available at Farnham, Epsom and Canterbury campuses. They can be used by any UCA staff who own or leases an electric vehicle. Charge points are managed via a cloud-based software - EO Charging.

The enrolment fee is non refundable.


Detailed Description

You need to enrol by paying a nominal fee of £20 per annum to UCA. The enrolment fee is due on the 1st of August every year. To join the scheme any time after 1st August you will need to pay the £20 enrolment fee. Once enrolled, users will be charged separately based on the length of time the charge point is utilized.  As it is a shared facility EVC owners will need to move their vehicles at the end of the charging time slots to allow others to use the facility.

The enrolment fee is non-refundable. 

Enrolment Process

  • Users need to pay a nominal flat fee of £20 per annum to the University via the UCA Store.
  • Following payment of the enrolment fee, Estates & Facilities will create an account for the payee.
  • A link will be sent to their UCA email address to enable them download the EO application (app) onto their smartphones.
  • Users will activate their account on their smartphones.
  • Upon account activation users will be able to: 

        Start/stop charge

        Pay for the use of the charge point

Please contact Estates & Facilities on your campus for further details.